Gatekeeping couples who don't want kids but have dogs

Image from and submitted by MagentaSky234
image showing Gatekeeping couples who don't want kids but have dogs

cyberduckshark on July 28th, 2019 at 13:20 UTC »

Excuse me my good sir this "new trend" has been a thing in Europe since the 60's . So much so that at some point the birth and death rates in Denmark were almost equal and they had to get people from outside the contry to be the working hands because people are either not having children or having them after 30 .

PolkaDotAscot on July 28th, 2019 at 13:49 UTC »

I’m confused as to how the technologies allow people to have dogs?

Edit: thank you to everyone who pointed out the technologies referenced are probably birth control related. That makes much more sense.

azulhombre on July 28th, 2019 at 17:22 UTC »

Hey, I partook in this twitter thread! It all stemmed from an article saying millennials without kids going to Disney World is weird, so this is some gatekeeping inside of gatekeeping.