Team Fortress 2 auf Twitter: "Update on the Unusual situation: All Unusuals from the bugged crates have been marked as non-tradable for the time being. We are evaluating what steps to take with these

Authored by and submitted by wickedplayer494

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orangesheepdog on July 27th, 2019 at 01:33 UTC »

The most dev communication we've had since 2017

Ultravod on July 27th, 2019 at 00:04 UTC »

Given Valve's track record with TF2 over the last, oh, 5 or 6 years I'd say that them taking a bit of time to think about this before taking action is not a bad idea.

The issue here is not so much IF they fuck this up, but how do they fuck this up the least. No matter what they do, there will be massive implications for the TF2 economy, and by extension the much bigger CSGO and Dota2 economies going forward.

Valve might criminally neglect TF2, but they do pay attention to their bottom line. This absolute clusterfuck doubtlessly effects the latter. I imagine this is the first time Gaben has thought about our beloved game in years.

Also, I made another meme while waiting for word on this whole situation.

ExtraCheesyPie on July 27th, 2019 at 00:01 UTC »

The bug is fixed, unboxing gives regular drops now. Guess i'll survive with my regular hat :(