House Democrats launch official impeachment investigation | Season 2019 Episode 07/26/2019 | PBS NewsHour

Authored by and submitted by FamiNES
image for House Democrats launch official impeachment investigation | Season 2019 Episode 07/26/2019 | PBS NewsHour

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rednoise on July 27th, 2019 at 02:34 UTC »

I'm confused about why there is not a megathread on this.

Isadore_Greenbaum on July 27th, 2019 at 01:32 UTC »

I’ve read Nadler’s 53-page filing. My take from it is that the grand jury testimony, evidence, and exhibits they’re requesting are all within the Mueller report, but currently redacted per Rule 6e (grand jury material). Congress and the public have not yet seen it

While bots and trolls flooded Reddit and other forums with defeatist comments to drum up frustration that Democrats are weak for delaying impeachment, articles of impeachment had already been referred to the House Judiciary Committee. It happened on January 3, 2019, the first day in session of the 116th Congress (blue wave midterms)

This means that the Committee already had the authority to request grand jury material based on settled law FROM DAY ONE, but slow-played every way to obtain information while knowing those good-faith efforts would be obstructed and even ridiculed as impotent

Mueller could not make a determination whether Trump committed crimes. However, he referred to “other methods” available to Congress for that purpose

Now it’s time for other methods

FamiNES on July 27th, 2019 at 01:12 UTC »

Judy Woodruff:

And they're doing it, as you say, in the form of a court filing.

Lisa Desjardins:

That's right. That's where they announced it, but they also had a phone call with reporters.

Some of us were confused at first over what this meant. They told us on that call very firmly, this is an impeachment investigation now. We are calling it that. We think it's been this way the whole time, but we're now saying, this is what it is.

Link to full transcript:

Link to the court filing: