People often stay in abusive relationships because of something called 'trauma bonding' — here are the signs it's happening to you

Authored by and submitted by chercheur17
image for People often stay in abusive relationships because of something called 'trauma bonding' — here are the signs it's happening to you

People often don't even realise they are in an abusive relationship.

It can be hard for others to understand why someone stays with an abusive partner.

It's often because of something called "trauma bonding," where you become addicted to the hormonal rollercoaster an abuser sends you on.

Those who have never been in an abusive relationship struggle to understand how people remain in one for so long. If somebody was mistreating you, "why did you stick around?" they ask.

For survivors, this can be a really tough question to answer. The lucky ones escape, and stumble upon articles or books that give them the terms to be able to understand what happened to them, and thus describe their experience. Other times, though, this doesn't happen, and people might not even be aware they were in a relationship that could be classed as "abusive."

This is because we are conditioned to believe abuse is always physical. On TV and in films, we see characters who are obviously evil. They are violent to their partners, shout at them aggressively, or even murder them in a fit of rage. While this does happen, it's not a true representation of the abuse many others experience.

According to therapist Shannon Thomas, author of "Healing from Hidden Abuse," psychological abuse is insidious, and it occurs a over time like an IV drip of poison entering your veins.

It starts with an off-hand comment here, or an insult there, but often victims brush these moments off. This is because abusive people are great at pretending to be everything you're looking for in a partner, and they love bomb you with affection. Victims tend to believe this is the abuser's real self, and when the mask starts to slip more and more, they believe its "out of character" and it must be their own fault for making their partner angry.

People stay in these relationships partly because they are trying to win back the abuser's affection. However, Thomas told Business Insider that victims also become biologically attached to their abusers through something called "trauma bonding."

It's a bit like becoming addicted to a drug. A psychologically abusive relationship is a rollercoaster, with punishment and then intermittent reinforcement of kindness when you "behave." This means the body is going through its own turmoil, with high levels of the stress hormone cortisol, paired with dopamine when given affection as a reward.

"You have this back and forth, and the body becomes addicted," Thomas said. "When we’re looking for something that we want, that we once had, which is a connection with somebody, and they are playing cat and mouse where they are pulling it back and forth, then the body really does become dependent on having that approval."

This hormonal rollercoaster really takes its toll on someone's body. Victims might find they break out in acne, even though they've always had good skin. They might have chest pains. Thomas has said that in her practise she has even seen her clients develop autoimmune disorders.

"Their bodies start to shut down, and they start really struggling with chronic pain, migraines, and some arthritic type pains and conditions, and they just can’t fight infections as well," she said. "The body really can only take so much stress."

Victims stay in these relationships despite of the stress on their bodies, because often it isn't clear to them what the problems really are. Through gaslighting, control, and intermittent love, the abuser has their partner backed into a corner of self-blame and desperation of trying to win back the affection of the person they love.

Unfortunately, for many people, when they try to leave these relationships they are so bonded to their abuser that they return. Others don't try to leave at all, and are only freed from the clutches of the abuse when they are discarded.

An abusive relationship with a narcissist or psychopath tends to follow the same pattern: idealisation, devaluation, and discarding. At some point, the victim will be so broken, the abuser will no longer get any benefit from using them. They may have totally bankrupted them, or destroyed their confidence, or worse, and they move on to their next target.

However, once they are gone, the victim — or survivor as Thomas calls them at this point — can finally start coming round to the idea they were abused. They can grieve, and finally see the damage that was being done, and realise it wasn't their fault.

That's when the healing can really begin, Thomas says, and the survivor can realise that they were targeted not because they were weak, but because they had so much to give.

These are the signs you might be in a trauma bond with someone, according to Psych Central:

A constant pattern of nonperformance — your partner promises you things, but keeps behaving to the contrary.

Others are disturbed by something that is said or done to you in your relationship, but you brush it off.

You feel stuck in the relationship because you see no way out.

You keep having the same fights with your partner that go round in circles with no real winner.

You're punished or given the silent treatment by your partner when you say or do something "wrong."

You feel unable to detach from your relationship even though you don't truly trust or even like the person you're in it with.

When you try and leave, you are plagued by such longing to get back with your partner you feel it might destroy you.

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Beingabummer on July 19th, 2019 at 14:25 UTC »

My grandmother was a narcissist. She tricked my grandfather into marrying her by getting pregnant out of wedlock. He was an easy mark, he had quite a lot of money and the nicest guy. He stayed with her because that's just what you did, raising his son (my dad). At some point when my dad was a tween she used my dad to convince my grandfather to have another child ('don't you love mom enough to give her another baby?') which is how my uncle came into the world.

My grandfather basically lost the will to live when he was around 70. Always loved to travel but my grandmother didn't so she invented some disease or physical ailment that prevented her from going anywhere and thus he couldn't travel anymore either. After that he would often say that he was sad in the morning that he didn't die in his sleep.

Only after he died about 5 years ago and my grandmother developed severe dementia did we notice how much of what she had always said and done was incredibly manipulative. My dad is still angry at her for what she did to my grandfather and my uncle barely showed up to her funeral. We didn't even let him give a eulogy (not that he wanted to) because it'd just have been him raging against his dead mother.

If you're a narcissist: change your behavior or people will be glad you're dead.

SunnydaleClassof99 on July 19th, 2019 at 12:16 UTC »

This was my ex. A turbulent year-long relationship where he told me almost immediately that he loved me and couldn't live without me, then proceeded to gradually break down my self-confidence by criticising the way I dressed or spoke or acted, would gaslight me, make me worried to go home to find out what mood he'd be in that evening, was nasty to my friends, and then when I reached my lowest point and was suicidal, woke up the following day to him ending the relationship. It's been seven months and after therapy, medication and some amazing support from friends and family, I am now recovering and can see exactly how damaging this relationship was. This article rings true for me on pretty much every level.

Edit: OK wow. I posted this on my lunch break and have just finished work to see all these responses. I'm genuinely touched and a little bit emotional at the level of support here. Thank you kind internet folk, it means a lot when you share something quite personal to get such lovely responses.

I'm sorry I can't respond to each response but I wanted to say, reading some of these personal accounts from others is both inspiring and heartbreaking. I'm sorry for anyone whose relationship is this way. I'm glad to see many of you have moved on and found happiness. I hope for those still in these situations that things can also get better for you. I know that might sound like an empty statement but I do truly wish it. Be safe and be well all x

SaulsAll on July 19th, 2019 at 08:36 UTC »

...So the D.E.N.N.I.S system is real?