For the sake of all love that is holy, if you do this, please pick a side and get out of the damn way!

Image from and submitted by RlwesterChichi
image showing For the sake of all love that is holy, if you do this, please pick a side and get out of the damn way!

themanyfaceasian on July 13rd, 2019 at 11:19 UTC »

Lmao and if you honk they look at you like you just killed a baby

D3PPR3553D on July 13rd, 2019 at 12:02 UTC »

Run her over to assert dominance

littlegreyflowerhelp on July 13rd, 2019 at 13:14 UTC »

I once pulled up behind a cyclist sitting on their bike, on the phone in the middle of the car park (like the lady in OP). I'm a cyclist, and they weren't doing anything too bad, so I didn't want to be rude or anything, but I pulled up behind them and just assumed they would hear my car and get out of the way. They didn't. I rolled down the window and yelled out "hey, excuse me, hey, please, you're in the middle of the road, excuse me, please move". They couldn't hear me. I beeped the horn and they shit themselves and dropped their phone and glared at me. Honestly I felt kinda bad but... what was I supposed to do? Get out the car, walk up to them, tap them on the shoulder and ask them to move?