In response to someone supporting fox hunting

Image from and submitted by beerbellybegone
image showing In response to someone supporting fox hunting

lore333 on July 5th, 2019 at 18:21 UTC »

He is right tho. Wanna feel like a strong asshole ? Go trecking in the desert, hike Kilimanjaro. Hunting for sport is stupid.

PsychopathAJS on July 5th, 2019 at 19:13 UTC »

This may be my bias or arrogance coming in; I've never seen such eloquence and emotion in a set of writing by anyone less than a poet, nevermind a farmer.

Amazing message, amazing writing.

Diplodocus114 on July 5th, 2019 at 22:42 UTC »

Bravo - A voice of reason in the farming/hunting world. I live in a UK rural area, there are organised hunts go on and it is sickening. There are humane ways to deal with invasive predators, not "sunday afternoon party" ways.

We have a tradition of "hound trailing" - no fox gets hurt, no horses. It was the poorman's equivalent - all they needed was a hound - no fancy clothes or horses.

The organisers would drag an aniseed soaked rag for miles and miles through the hills and mountains on a circular route. Then all the dogs would be let loose to follow the trail.

First one back was the winner etc. My grandfather participated in this sport in the 1940's - 60's.