Seeing a wonderful community of amputees as of late - this is mine! Lost to cancer two years ago and still fighting multiple relapses. But very proud of how far I've come!

Image from and submitted by sammichmachine
image showing Seeing a wonderful community of amputees as of late - this is mine! Lost to cancer two years ago and still fighting multiple relapses. But very proud of how far I've come!

hookbill2 on July 3rd, 2019 at 10:02 UTC »

quick question (if you don't mind) - do you get to pick the design on the front? is it a standard design among those you got to pick from? is it what insurance covers?

You see such nice designs and I've always wondered if its people that just pay whatever it costs because its something they wear everyday, or if the tech has gotten better and designs fancier?

Santarini on July 3rd, 2019 at 10:42 UTC »

What a vogue shot! You look great!

TatoIndy on July 3rd, 2019 at 11:16 UTC »

I’m sorry if this is a rude question, but is there a functional difference between using a foot base rather than a blade base? Or, is it personal preference and aesthetic?