bUt I aLrEaDy pAiD mY sTuDeNt LoAn oFF!

Image from external-preview.redd.it and submitted by return2ozma
image showing bUt I aLrEaDy pAiD mY sTuDeNt LoAn oFF!

GottaKnowYourCKN on June 26th, 2019 at 01:13 UTC »

Remember eMachines??? I'm still bitter about that hunk of junk

Mr_Pombastic on June 26th, 2019 at 01:49 UTC »

Mike Drucker was my roommate freshman year of college. We used to joke that NYU must be building a deathstar with the amount of tuition they were raking in.

augustfutures on June 26th, 2019 at 04:21 UTC »

I paid my loans off about 5 years ago, but I’m all for this debt relief.

However, I do see how the example below would cause resentment.

Student A: spent the last 5 years living with their parents, frugally spending in order to pay off their loans after college

Student B: spend the last 5 years maxing out their income on vacations and bought a new car while paying minimums or deferring loan payments

I don’t think all the criticism should be immediately dismissed.