How to welcome vital reinforcements - LotR vs. GoT

Image from and submitted by Zoldra0
image showing How to welcome vital reinforcements - LotR vs. GoT

hc600 on June 24th, 2019 at 12:14 UTC »

One of the things that bothered me the most about that scene is that Sansa is just straight up rude to Dany, who is trying to be nice. That is basically the opposite of what Sansa's character would do if she were a half-way coherent character. She starts off as someone who know how to be polite, and finds protectors in king's landing because she is kind and empathetic. And then she learns by watching Cersei and Littlefinger. And Littlefinger is not someone to be straight up rude to someone who has dragons I don't think.

I could see a believable plot with tension between them, but I feel like they just wrote that scene because "bitches be jealous of other pretty bitches" without actually thinking about either actual character.

rambo_beetle on June 24th, 2019 at 13:29 UTC »

Still fucking love Haldir

Poles_Apart on June 24th, 2019 at 14:40 UTC »

The funny thing is how well they pulled off the elves coming in the movie considering it wasn't even in the books. Gives you that sense of hope and badassery when they shoot the volleys in between the defenders heads on the wall. And then seeing them all die later you know that the defenders are fucked. It also adds a little bit of weight to the elves story in the movies, they sacrificed eternal life to save man. All for the build up of the OG ASMR.

I haven't read LOTR in a decade but the Helm's Deep chapter is very dark, there's really no hope at all throughout the entire chapter that they'll survive. I also think there was a bigger stand in the keep itself.