[UPDATE]Fired for being fat

Authored by old.reddit.com and submitted by fakeenamee

I posted this 2 weeks ago and a lot has happened. Something happened before I could go any further with the lawyer I spoke to.

The Monday following the incident I was asked to come speak with a VP of HR I'd never met and only knew by name, because they work directly for the company that bought ours out. When I walked in the conference room there were 4 people waiting for me, 2 of which I was told was part of legal. What I didn't realize, is my friend who I mentioned in the comments of the other post ended up saying something to another coworker because he was so horrified at the situation (even though I told him to keep it secret). This information ended up making it's way up the chain and was not taken well, to say the least. I was asked to explain exactly what happened, who I told, and asked a lot of questions. Everything I said seemed to make them very uncomfortable, especially when I told them I was in touch with a lawyer. They had me leave the room for nearly 40 minutes and then called me back in and let me know they were very concerned about this situation, and assured me it was an isolated power trip basically....

This is the holy shit part. They say that due to my long tenure in my position, knowledge of how the team works, and my relationship with clients that they felt I would be a good fit for the position the jerk manager sat in, and if I wanted the position it was mine, as their way of saying sorry. They also made sure to mention the large salary increase and bonuses this would come with. I took a couple minutes to think about it, and took the offer. BTW I'm not stupid, I know they did this so I wouldn't take any legal action against them, but I love my job and don't blame them for the actions of a 20something on a power trip. I also know it came down to he said/she said, and would've been a hard case to prove.

There's going to be a company-wide training on gender and interpersonal relations, and I finally have an office with a door I can actually close! I'm in the field a lot less now, so I guess the jerk got what he wanted, because now I don't interact face to face nearly as much as I used

Edit for clarification: he was fired, not demoted or transferred

mynamesnotmolly on June 21st, 2019 at 17:40 UTC »

This was the most satisfying update I’ve seen in a long time.

OP, I’m really happy the company you work for seems to have its shit together. I know they were probably covering their asses, but the fact that they took less than an hour to decide to a) fire the jerk, b) offer you the jerk’s job, and c) implement training so this doesn’t happen to someone else, makes me think the people running the company are actually trying to do good. If they were just interested in covering their asses, they could’ve stopped at firing the jerk and telling you you weren’t fired.

Congratulations on your promotion :)

Monktoken on June 21st, 2019 at 17:18 UTC »

I think this was a good decision all around. Obviously the company doesn't want to deal with litigation in general but also I'm glad LAOP took the offer. Giving the company at large the chance to make amends will hopefully teach them the right way to handle these problems is to actually handle them.

Not to say I fault anyone at all for leaving after managerial abuse. Heck, I'm sure in the majority of these situations I would leave too. That aside it hurts when a company loses the good employee when trying to make things right and they can take the wrong lessons from that.

I really hope the company gleaned the right conclusion from this and LAOP has lots of success.

elitist_ferret on June 21st, 2019 at 16:53 UTC »

Probably the best solution one could hope for. I wonder what the dude who got fired is going to tell people when they ask what happened