Teamfight Tactics

Authored by and submitted by corylulu

You’ll spend gold in the store before each round to recruit League champions to your team. Throughout the game, your team will become more powerful as you draft champions that share origins and classes to unlock trait bonuses. Additionally, you can combine three duplicates of the same champ to upgrade them into a super version of themselves, and combine three supers to create the ultimate version.

Your team will then travel to an opponent’s board (or they will come to you) and a battle will unfold. During combat, your champions will move, attack, and cast spells automatically. Just like in League, you’ll need to choose a team comp and position your champs wisely to unlock their full potential.

At the end of each round you'll earn gold to spend in future rounds. Occasionally, everyone will gather for a special event and draft from a single line-up of champions of varying strengths. Players will pick in the reverse order of their current standing, giving the players falling behind the chance to make a comeback. Win teamfights consistently to avoid losing health and deal damage to your opponents. Outlast everyone else to win, and don’t forget to spam your emotes along the way.

LostVengeance on June 10th, 2019 at 16:49 UTC »

Hey, here's an idea! Bring back Red and Blue buff's children as Little Legends for this game mode. Ever since they left the nest it hasn't been the same :(

AceAxos on June 10th, 2019 at 15:11 UTC »

"That includes ranked. You can expect to see the ranked for TFT start up around patch 9.14".


GamdzykMakayra on June 10th, 2019 at 15:06 UTC »

They actually made League Auto Chess, damn. They must have heard Scarra's prayers