Aggressive left turned me conservative

Image from and submitted by Phoebenstein
image showing Aggressive left turned me conservative

pordanbeejeeterson on June 4th, 2019 at 15:42 UTC »

Funny, I grew up watching conservatives consistently deplatform the left, socially and economically, all throughout the 80's and 90's. Being gay was a firable offense and the idea of being "pro-gay-rights" was considered inherently anti-religious and thus un-American and definitely un-conservative, for example - not gay marriage, but gay rights - as in, the idea that gays are not second-class citizens. That was considered "extremist" for a long time.

And I guess these guys weren't around for the "Satanic Panic," either. The Moral Majority in the early '80s was basically the birth of right-wing SJWs, before "SJWs" was a thing.

EDIT: I did not defend "deplatforming" a single point in this post or justify any action ever taken by any leftist, ever. So any further askings of "So YoU tHiNk It'S oKaY wHeN lEfTiStS dO iT?!" will be met with derision and ridicule and will not be taken seriously.

Krothotkin on June 4th, 2019 at 15:59 UTC »

do we just not know about the entire cold war

turtleeatingalderman on June 4th, 2019 at 16:30 UTC »

Remember Joseph McCarthy bro?