I made a piano shelf

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by navigonnutzer
image showing I made a piano shelf

navigonnutzer on June 2nd, 2019 at 17:22 UTC »

I posted the empty version earlier and also wrote some stuff about it. But because I like that feature I just leave that comment here as well.

The backlight you can turn on with a white key.

The lowest shelf has an LED stripe build in, so that I can grow herbs in the winter time. And it works pretty fine as you may see. It consumes 8 Watts. Normally it turns on and off with a timeclock but optionally you can switch it with another keyboard key.

Btw. The piano was already broken beyond repair when I got it. Just for the people who might have been angry with me for destroying an instrument :)

EDIT: Wow, thank you guys for all the nice comments. Some of it I wrote in a few direct answers but maybe I sum it up here as well. Some of you were complaining about my weight estimation. The weight of nearly 400kg was estimated by how damn hard it was to move this guy and some google research of data of similar looking grand pianos. I wasn't able to move this piano without a pushable lift. You know, those hand fork lifts. "Hubwagen" in German.

The steal frame was the heavy part since I was able to lift the shelf on both sides with the frame removed. I wanted to build a table out of the frame but it was just too heavy so that I got rid of that plan.

Of course I got rid of the tension of the strings before I did anything else to the frame since it can be pretty dangerous as some of you mentioned.

Each of these 3 6cm long bolts supports about 300kg. But pulling straight horizontally out of the wall. So there shouldn't be any problem with the forces in this application. For the ones curious about it, it is one of those.

The light for the herbs is a 56cm stripe with 3500k (Samsung f series gen3) consuming 8-9W. Works just perfect and very efficient for that. And if you don't trust me about the quality of that light for plants, trust the indoor cannabis grower who were doing a lot of research an side by side grows. It works like a charm.

And for the instrument lovers who might be angry about this destruction. I went to a place in my town where you can play pianos in sound isolated rooms for a small price. I noticed that the guys main business was to build and restore pianos. Since I had that shelf plan already in my mind for a long time I asked him cheekily if he has one grand for free he doesn't need anymore. And what can I say. He said yes, had one in the backyard. The hammers and the rest of the mechanics were bent because it was exposed to rain etc. He said it would cost more time/money to restore it, than building a new one.

The headphone stand is empty because I use the headphones daily and the laziness forces me to use the upper shelf for the storage instead of the stand. If you also always wanted a headphone stand for your headphones, don't get it!

The keys are fixed. You can just press the two which I used for the light switches. They pop back because of a spring I mounted behind them. Actually this is also always the first thing people try to do - press the keys.

And since we are here: these people were actually pretty unimpressed by the shelf. A few friends loved it but not many. This is why I thought it fits just perfect in r/mildlyinteresting

Oh and thanks for the gold and silver and all your friendly comments.

Wolf_down_the_earth on June 2nd, 2019 at 17:22 UTC »

That's really unique. How heavy is it? How did you mount it?

thecatsmiaows on June 2nd, 2019 at 19:28 UTC »

great job...what did you do with the harp?

i had a busted upright, and i mounted the guts into a wall.