Biologist quits everybody's bullshit

Image from and submitted by jaytix1
image showing Biologist quits everybody's bullshit

thatrommelswag on May 28th, 2019 at 16:30 UTC »

They sound quite pleasant, I would like to meet them.

Acetylated_Morphine on May 28th, 2019 at 16:37 UTC »

Woah I thought xenopsylla (rat flea) was the only host of Yersinia pestis but it seems like some other rodent fleas also serve as it's vector.

EllaSirius_BoS on May 28th, 2019 at 17:09 UTC »

Let’s not forget the response that blue had to green.

Blue: I legit stopped reading after your second point because of how stupid you sound.

Green: ……………i literally studied biology and am sharing basic scientific information.

Blue: Apparently not hard enough! Humans are actually frugivores! I cannot take anyone seriously who says “look at our mouths” (what a fucking joke!) 1 of the 5 things you stated is factual, the rest are your opinion, whether you like that or not

Green: ..... what? 1. humans have canines and incisors for tearing meat and molars for eating plant matter.

we don’t have cellulases or cellulosic symbionts, which many herbivorous species have in order to facilitate a solely plant-based diet. we, do, however have proteases, which are enzymes designed to break down proteins and peptides, like many carnivores and omnivores.

at the same time, we have things like sucrase, which facilitates the breaking down of fruits, and salivary mylase, which helps break down starches. this shows we didn’t evolve as strictly carnivores.

also, like many carnivores and omnivores, we require vitamin B12, which doesn’t have a common plant source, hence why non-meat eaters must take supplements or eat B12 fortified foods.

all of this indicates that we evolved to eat meat and plant matter. Homo sapiens were never frugivores. i am praying you are a troll, because otherwise you’re just a very rude and generally unpleasant person.

Blue: Did you copy this from your bio textbook? Your arguments are utter bullshit and I wish I had the energy to continue this. Block me… go have a problem with some other shit

As in; green shut down blue, and blue didn’t have an argument to back their previous statement.

(I don’t know if these types of comments are allowed on this subreddit, but the full post is complete r/quityourbullshit)