It is sad beyond measure to think of all the lives and families ruined by an institution that cares more about the bottom line than the sacrifices people make.

Image from and submitted by teoped01
image showing It is sad beyond measure to think of all the lives and families ruined by an institution that cares more about the bottom line than the sacrifices people make.

Mittenstk on May 26th, 2019 at 18:52 UTC »

For every story on Twitter I cant imagine how many more there are unspoken

Desproges on May 26th, 2019 at 21:04 UTC »

This tweet is such a PR disaster

wankin_dolan on May 26th, 2019 at 21:47 UTC »

Unfortunately, they are supposed to worry about the bottom line. The government is largely a serve-by-numbers organization that is meant to convey a unified face at the expense of the individual. It works it’s way into policy and management at many, many levels. The fact that this is business as usual is incredibly frustrating, as well as the fact that there’s no good way to change it at the moment without compromising the fragile strength we’ve built as a military power. We have a glass cannon military and it’s because we don’t reinforce the value of the individual service-member. Those who are injured, physically and mentally, are seen as outliers who—though they have “done their duty”—are no longer a viable product and no longer warrant the attention and value deserved as a contributing member of the bottom line. A blanket policy of calling everyone who serves a “hero” and moving on with your day does little to address or repair the experiences and traumas they have endured.

By all means, please continue to reward and recognize the sacrifices people make. It’s absolutely necessary to do so. But don’t forget that there can be more to the story with any one veteran you encounter. And there are tons of ways to help and serve those people the way they’ve served us.