House Democrats Subpoena Hope Hicks

Authored by and submitted by burning_dawn
image for House Democrats Subpoena Hope Hicks

The House Judiciary Committee said on Tuesday it had issued subpoenas for Hope Hicks and Annie Donaldson for testimony and documents related to the committee’s ongoing investigation into obstruction of justice and public corruption by President Trump, his associates, and other members of the administration.

The committee had previously sent document requests to Hicks, a former communications director for Trump and Donaldson, former chief of staff of White House counsel Don McGahn, in March as part of its sweeping investigation. As of late March, Hicks had planned to turn over documents as part of that investigation.

The subpoenas set a deadline for both former Trumpworld figures to submit documents to the committee by June 4. The date for Hicks testimony has been set for June 19. Donaldson’s is set for June 24.

The subpoenas represent yet another escalation of the tensions between House Democrats and the White House. The president has insisted he will resist all matters of oversight following the issuance of the Special Counsel report into Russia electoral interference. And, so far, his top current and former aides have resisted Democratic efforts to compel testimony. Earlier on Tuesday, former White House counsel Don McGahn declined to appear before the House Judiciary Committee after having received a subpoena of his own.

But Hicks occupies a different place in Trump’s solar system than the rest. The president has shown immense affection for his former aide, who served as a top press adviser for this 2016 campaign and during the first year-plus of his administration before leaving to take a job at Fox, the company spun off from Twenty-First Century Fox's merger with Walt Disney Company. And unlike her contemporaries, she left the White House on strong terms, with Trump even posing for a Rose Garden goodbye photo op with her.

Hicks referred The Daily Beast on Tuesday afternoon to her lawyer, Robert Trout, who then replied that he was "not commenting" on the news.

halbowitz on May 21st, 2019 at 20:44 UTC »

I thought like others do in this thread that these subpoenas are meaningless because they aren't being enforced, nor are the subjects of those subpoenas complying.

But now I think they do mean something, and they are going to amount to something. With the push for impeachment growing every day, and Donald doing more illegal acts each day (and potentially trying to lead us to war to avoid all of this), and with him being on the record that these people should not follow the law, the optics for trump are BAD.

When the impeachment process starts, and at this point i think it's inevitable, these things are going to add up. I can't say what should happen with the people who aren't complying after they are held in contempt, i don't pretend to know what works best for our democracy between getting them on record for denying these subpoenas , or fining them, or jailing them, but I do think all this obstruction, directed by Trump, is going to bring him down. It's going to happen. And once the impeachment process starts, im not sure these people even have the choice to not testify, regardless of what Trump wants. Nor does Trump. And all his dirty laundry is going to be aired, each day, for the American public to see. My only wish is that Trump is grilled and questioned during the impeachment process and the American people can see all of it. Just like Clinton (both of them). I would relish seeing Trump on the hot seat.

voigtster on May 21st, 2019 at 20:13 UTC »

Trump’s going to claim pants steaming privilege.

WideTree on May 21st, 2019 at 20:03 UTC »

Story soon to follow how Trump is going to try and block this.