you got it boss. [OC]

Image from and submitted by furious_bananas
image showing you got it boss. [OC]

garyyo on May 18th, 2019 at 10:42 UTC »

i once said no to this question. everyone was pretty shocked, but uhh, nothing came of it. later on i came to be known as the dude who had the balls to say no but like, i just wanted to go home.

Deestan on May 18th, 2019 at 10:51 UTC »

Is it important enough to pay me extra for this time? No? Important enough to let me take tomorrow off as compensation? Still no? Then it's not important and I'm going home.

Afrodiziak on May 18th, 2019 at 12:04 UTC »

I always got shit done at my last job. Office loved me, great people all around, but corporate decided to slash my hours to the point where a very “important” event nearly two hours away by car from where I live actually took place after my employment would be terminated.

Guess what? They still demanded that I show up. I even asked to attend another event happening earlier when I was still on the payroll. Nope.

So guess who got high and played videogames on their Saturday afternoon instead of traveling the better part of a morning only to do volunteer work?

Point is, fuck company loyalty. If they ain’t payin’ overtime then no deal, and even if they do no deal. I busted my ass at my last job only to be fired due to “downsizing” so even if I love the place I’m not goin the extra mile for no one.