Warms the heart

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image showing Warms the heart

fukwhutuheard on May 11st, 2019 at 17:08 UTC »

i wished my bodega owner a ramadan kareem the other day and his face lit up. it was nice

DangLingWang on May 11st, 2019 at 17:11 UTC »

What happens to Muslim owned restaurant during Ramadan? Legit question

The_M_Spot on May 11st, 2019 at 19:11 UTC »

My mom used to be kind of islamophobic. Once as a kid, she showed me the movie, "Not Without My Daughter" and the lesson was, "this is why you don't marry a muslim man." Growing up, I became good friends with a muslim kid in our class so she got to know him because he was always around. He's also literally the nicest, most unassuming, funny, and charismatic person you could ever meet. It's impossible not to like him. So one year we went up to our family cabin for my birthday and I got to bring some friends. We didn't realize it was during Ramadan until he lunch time when he didn't eat anything. He hadn't wanted to make my mom get up early so he'd packed some crackers or something and been planning to secretly wake up and eat the before everyone else got up. Now, we always made a huge breakfast everyday and it was part of the tradition of the cabin so once my mom heard that, she got up at 3 in the morning each day and made him a full spread of pancakes, eggs, and whatever else we were all going to have, then they'd both go back to bed.

My mom's side of the family was raised super hardcore conservative and pretty dang racist and she had never known anyone muslim before. But, she got to know him as a person and was able to grow and adapt her world view accordingly. I'm really proud of her for being able to change her mind and learn and grow when she realized she was wrong.