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Joshapotamus on May 11st, 2019 at 13:45 UTC »

Friendly reminder that Nestle and probably others on that list use slave labor

Edit: to anyone interested, go watch the documentary “The Dark Side of Chocolate”. It’s about the slave/child labor used by chocolate makers and by nestle. Very fascinating, I had to watch it for a class.

MrL1mb0 on May 11st, 2019 at 13:57 UTC »

Nestle is basically Satan incarnate. Its fucking surreal how a company making cute kids' snacks can be this evil. Not "we have cheap Chinese labor and evade our taxes" kinda evil but "lets fucking poison some African kids" kinda evil.

GreatWhiteWhat on May 11st, 2019 at 14:32 UTC »

I have never heard anything positive about nestle. Every time I see something related to them it's usually about them dumping waste into perfectly clean water. I figured they would be #1.