Obama: ‘Leaders Who Feed Fear Typically Are Also Ones Who Avoid Facts’

Authored by rollingstone.com and submitted by CivilBean

In a not-so-subtle jab at President Trump, former president Barack Obama told an audience gathered at the The National Museum of African American History and Culture to celebrate the centennial of Nelson Mandela’s birth on Saturday why those in power might spread lies:

“Leaders who feed fear typically are also ones who avoid facts,” Obama said.

Barack Obama: "Leaders who feed fear typically are also ones who avoid facts."

Via The Hill pic.twitter.com/bCCvcg0v5Q — Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) April 28, 2019

Obama continued his thoughts with a familiar message of hope conquering fear: “There is always a struggle between hope and fear, between the world as it is and how we’d like it to be… The good news is that fear is typically the province of the old. And hope is the province of the young.”

Barack Obama: "There is always a struggle between hope and fear, between the world as it is and how we'd like it to be… The good news is that fear is typically the province of the old. And hope is the province of the young."

Via The Hill pic.twitter.com/Ivokw9BWlT — Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) April 28, 2019

The former president also commented on the death of former Indiana senator Richard Lugar in a written statement on Sunday, saying, “America is safer because of Dick; the world is, too. His passing is a reminder of the constant and pressing need to expand international nonproliferation agreements. And it’s a call to remember what a public servant can be.”

StatusKoi on April 29th, 2019 at 00:46 UTC »

Obama knew that everyone would be checking his ass as the first mixed race President. They so wanted him to fail, but he proved to be an effective POTUS, devoid of scandals. Trump is a completely different shitshow. He openly defies the rule of law and his cult slaps their bumbling arms together in a horrific show of complete allegiance to an obvious con man. But he is ‘their’ con man so somehow it is now ok.

Tongue-in-Cheeks on April 28th, 2019 at 23:30 UTC »

Obama and Mueller trying to be polite by the book professionals against lawless immoral crooks and liars isn’t going to work.

TrumpTheGreatFilter on April 28th, 2019 at 23:09 UTC »

"Imagine the power this will give special interests over politicians."

"A vote to oppose these reforms [to Citizens United] is nothing less than a vote to allow corporate and special interest takeovers of our elections. It is damaging to our democracy. It is precisely what led a Republican President named Theodore Roosevelt to tackle this issue a century ago. "

- Obama on Citizens United, July 26th, 2010
