This wholesome boss!

Image from and submitted by julxan
image showing This wholesome boss!

busydad81 on April 23rd, 2019 at 05:01 UTC »

Idk what it is about pizza shop owners. They tend to go the extra mile for their staff. I see it at the local brick-oven place in my neighborhood but I also worked at a small Italian pasta/pizza restaurant when I was 17. The owner was not Italian, he grew up in Brooklyn and made the best pie ever. Anyway, I waited tables and made great tips. Of course we only got paid $2.13 an hour but, he paid every other week and in cash. One time I was short on my car payment and asked if I could pick up several extra shifts and he could tell I was desperate. My dad co-signed on a loan, it was a buy-here-pay-here place and I promised I would never miss a payment, but I digress. The owner asked me if I was having money troubles and I explained that I was indeed going to make enough, just not in time. He pulled a wad of cash out of his pocket and pulled my time card off the wall and wrote $-200, then handed me the cash. He wanted to help but didn’t want to remove anyone else of the schedule to do it. There were only 7 of us. 3 days shifters, 3 nights and one floater. The kitchen manager covered when we got slammed, and sometimes the delivery driver would take a dining room shift on weekends if the week had been slow with deliveries. But we all relied on our shifts and no one really ever asked anyone to cover for them because the tips were so damn good. That was 20 years ago and I will never forget it.

Dietman72 on April 23rd, 2019 at 05:54 UTC »

Now THATS a Leader.

There are bosses and then there are bosses.

Youve found an awesome one!!

OK7jm on April 23rd, 2019 at 06:18 UTC »

When I was studying architecture in Italy the little lady who ran the place I was staying at would search me and the other students down in the morning and very sternly tell us “Mangia il pane” and give us each 4 little loafs of bread.

She wanted to make sure that we were well fed for the day and since “we were giants” we apparently needed to eat a lot of bread.