This man and woman with Nazi armbands, swastika t-shirts, swastika tattoos as eyebrows, and MAGA hats drove from Massachusetts to Providence, RI just to lean on the Holocaust Memorial, take pictures, and laugh.

Image from and submitted by ZohanDvir
image showing This man and woman with Nazi armbands, swastika t-shirts, swastika tattoos as eyebrows, and MAGA hats drove from Massachusetts to Providence, RI just to lean on the Holocaust Memorial, take pictures, and laugh.

ZohanDvir on April 19th, 2019 at 19:44 UTC »

“Everyone in the restaurant turned around, and they were like, ‘What? Is that for real?’ she said this week.

A beat-up old Cadillac with Massachusetts plates had parked near the front of the restaurant, and a man and a woman wearing Nazi paraphernalia had gotten out.

The man wore a red “Make America Great Again” hat and a red armband with a black swastika on it. The woman wore a matching armband and a swastika T-shirt. The pair crossed the street to the Holocaust Memorial, leaned on the various statues, took pictures and laughed, Pierson said.

″‘What the hell do you think you’re doing?’” she said she told them. ”‘How dare you do this?’” The woman responded sarcastically, Pierson said, and the two walked back to their car. Pierson called the police and saw a cruiser drive by a short while later, but didn’t think there was much the police could do. Nevertheless, Pierson said she was horrified by the sight. The man, she said, had swastikas tattooed where his eyebrows should be.

While disturbing, walking around in Nazi paraphernalia is not illegal, Steven Brown, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Rhode Island, wrote in an email. “It’s perfectly despicable and shameful,” he wrote, “but also perfectly lawful.”

RonApex on April 19th, 2019 at 19:55 UTC »

Swastika tattoos as eyebrows??? No fucking way...

apoculamus on April 19th, 2019 at 20:17 UTC »

Imagine putting this much effort into being a total piece of shit