The night Bob Dylan ‘talked’

Authored by and submitted by CampBenCh

The night when Bob talked….We had the usual set on high level so I would not talk about the music at this night, the drama was starting at the encore!At encore break a stage rush did happen and the aisles where totally filled, then Bob started with Blowin' and stopped the song before the first chorus. He went to Charlie, talked to him went back to piano, Charlie talking with Tony, it was obvious that he announced to immediately starting with It Takes A Lot To Laugh…, stopped again after approx. half a minute, than Bob stood up, taking the center stage microphone and went in front of the audience, and what followed was the longest speech in years! Bob left piano, went in front of audience, start talking about taking pictures (if you take pictures, we won't singing), went backwards (face to audience), stumbled over monitorr behind him, nearly felt, went back in front of audience: "I say it again: take pictures or don't take pictures, and we gonna play or we gonna pose, well"! after a few seconds your hear the audience: "play, play,…" and Bob went back to piano, starting the final encore again with first verse and played it in it's entirely beauty!No one knew what exactly has happened, but we whitnessed it from balcony, it must have been more than a cellphone or camera, my guess is a flash direct to Bob, as I have never seen him so angry, interrupting two songs, and after he talked about playing or posing he went back to Tony, both standing side by side and looking the same direction in the audience, Tony did gesture with his hand in that direction as if both have recognized the responsible person!By the way, if there have ever been doubts about Bob's fitness he proofed that he was in very good shape. His reaction to avoid falling after he stumbled was absolutely stunning!(transcriptions not 1:1, just my impression after listening a few times)

Posted by Hermann Rechberger on Wednesday, April 17, 2019

josano on April 18th, 2019 at 00:34 UTC »

I have been to shows where the artist says take out your phones... take pictures for this song... now put your phones away.

dec3ption on April 17th, 2019 at 23:55 UTC »

Saw Peter Frampton a couple years ago. He had a policy allowing all the photos you want for the first 3 songs, then put your cameras and phones away and enjoy the show. Had signs, made a statement before the show and after the 3rd song, and even called a couple people out between songs for taking pictures. It was great.

Edit: My first gold! Thank you, beautiful people!

freshtrax on April 17th, 2019 at 22:40 UTC »

Im not sure of the artist but I remember a show I went to where they said no pictures of any kind during the show. We have a professional photographer here and we will give you a download link to the pics from the show after. I love this idea. Makes great sense.