Happens at every retail job ever worked ever

Image from external-preview.redd.it and submitted by Dr-Pepper-Phd
image showing Happens at every retail job ever worked ever

Sushinut71 on April 12nd, 2019 at 11:13 UTC »

It happens at car dealerships also. I work in Service and I see it all the time. A sour lady came in the other day and I asked her to sign her repair order, she proceeded to slam the pen and ask for a manager. He said her reason was “she did not like Madeleine”. I did nothing but ask her to sign like everyone else. I think these women are just miserable hags who feel the need to destroy everyone in their path. Funny because I am a woman in my 40s who does not do any of this, ever.

Tha_Mad_Doktor on April 12nd, 2019 at 13:19 UTC »

I’ve worked retail for 10 years. Idk why but this is completely true. I don’t want to be able to stereotype people and have it be true but it fucking is. They usually have that soccer mom haircut too. They don’t understand that we don’t make the rules, take out their anger on us over something trivial, demand a manager, only for the manager to repeat the same shit.

big_boy_benis on April 12nd, 2019 at 13:20 UTC »

Omfg i work at a grocery store in an upper middle class town and the middle/older age women are unbearable.