Murdering somebody for knocking on the wrong door

Image from and submitted by OisinMcCooey88
image showing Murdering somebody for knocking on the wrong door

AnthCob on March 30th, 2019 at 23:34 UTC »

Rest in peace. Hopefully that piece of shit gets what he deserves for cutting this boys life so short.

sedatemenow on March 31st, 2019 at 01:45 UTC »

The shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree

His family told Pozen they don’t think he should be charged with murder. “He is an innocent father. He has five kids. He was protecting his family. His truck was stolen earlier this week, right now, he's just trying to protect his family,” said his cousin, Makayla Johnson.

He murdered that poor young man as he tried to run away from the wrong door.

mdyguy on March 31st, 2019 at 02:57 UTC »

Almost everyone I know has a story about going to the wrong apartment, dorm, condo, or house.

I can't imagine if I lost all my friends who went to those wrong properties. In fact, I'd be dead too. Furthermore, I'd also be a murderer if I shot everyone who came in the wrong house.

Just this NYE a teen girl and her mother accidentally walked into my house instead of the neighbors. I just said Happy New Year and it wasn't a big deal at all. I mean, I was a little shook when I heard someone in my living room, when my family was in the basement, but it never crossed my mind to kill the people. It was more a curiosity feeling. And to be clear, I have the ability to protect myself, but it was so obvious that I wasn't in danger.