Currently sitting at +1148 on TD. "The NZ attack was bad *wink*, but actually he was completely justified."

Image from and submitted by Parsleymagnet
image showing Currently sitting at +1148 on TD. "The NZ attack was bad *wink*, but actually he was completely justified."

Primetestbuild on March 15th, 2019 at 13:19 UTC »

“Just because they were victims don’t make them blameless” ???

boredenough2comment on March 15th, 2019 at 14:05 UTC »

How must Polynesian people feel about these dumb fuck white racists complaining about "non-European" migration to New Zealand?

jabba_the_wutt on March 15th, 2019 at 15:53 UTC »

remember when this sub was a place to come and kind of laugh at the crazy Flat Earthers or alien types?

yesterday a Top Mind killed at least 49 people in a live streamed rampage. his manifesto reads like comments you see all the time on subs like /r/cringeanarchy, /r/kotakuinaction, /r/conspiracy, etc. This dude's beliefs were nurtured and fostered on internet sites right in front of our face.

meanwhile yesterday after the shooting Trump, the president of the US, tweets out a link to Breitbart, the comments there on the shooting coverage where overwhelmingly praising the shooter and openly cheering for him.

And yet the general reaction here on reddit is the usual blaming "the media" for covering the story, and "don't play into the shooter's hands by describing where he got this ideology from."

Its fucking insane. This guy was a typical Top Mind who decided to take his 4chan memes and white genocide comments into the real world. It was only a matter of time until this happened and it will most certainly happen again. The views he espoused are not nearly as fringe as its being made out to be, this is shit you can read all day every day on pretty massive internet forums. This ideology is just as if not more dangerous as that of ISIS and other extremist Islamic terrorists and it feels like nobody wants to acknowledge that.