Just some guys being dudes over here :)

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by _james_powers
image showing Just some guys being dudes over here :)

WhatACunningHam on March 2nd, 2019 at 17:24 UTC »

These guys seem pretty cool. I wouldn't mind sharing a pack of thick markers with them.

musicthestral on March 2nd, 2019 at 18:17 UTC »

On my college campus you can always call one of the campus officers to walk with you. It's great that these guys saw the same need and did something about it!

Edit: For everyone asking why, we have our own police department for campus, which houses around 6000 students. They do anything from find stolen bikes to busting people with weed to catching bats in dorms. If someone has anxiety or feels unsafe in general, they can use this service. Not many people do though, but it's available. This doesn't mean that American campuses are unsafe.

Keypaw on March 2nd, 2019 at 18:50 UTC »

Only if I can hold both their hands and they use their massive muscles to swing me like my parents did when I was a child.

I'm a 6'3 man though so I'm not sure how that'd go. Or if it's be possible.