Illinois. My mother has 300+ cats in her house, and an entire bedroom full of birds. Help. : legaladvice

Authored by and submitted by vixxgod666

I moved to Europe for work a decade ago, and have not been back to the States for nearly 3 years, since my dad died. I felt bad leaving my mother alone, however money was tight and I was not able to afford to visit. She had numerous friends so I assumed she'd be ok.

I came to visit finally, yesterday, and my mother's health, unfortunately, seems to have declined more than she let on.

The whole house is full of cats. Hundreds of cats, some of them look to be pregnant, and some of them already have litters. 300 may be an understatement. I asked her where they came from and she didn't have an answer for me. I told her she needs to get rid of them but she insisted they were better off with her.

To make matters worse, the guest room has been filled entirely with various birds. Parakeets, finches, a swan (she says it's a swan) and various others I can't identify. I estimate there's 50+ birds, and they too look as if they've been breeding.

All the animals have food afaik, but the smell is unbearable and this cannot be sanitary. You can't move without stepping on a cat. Who do I call? The police? I'd prefer if there was a way to resolve this without her getting charged for animal cruelty, she's just a harmless old lady who is suffering from dementia.

Next morning edit- please don't pm me with offers of help, I want to remain anonymous, I do not want the media to show up or anything. Thank you.

star_fawkes on March 2nd, 2019 at 13:22 UTC »

My great aunt Bueller was a cat hoarder. At a certain point, the number of cats just grows exponentially until the house itself is made of writhing cats. The smell was like getting punched in the face as soon as you opened the door. Also: bugs. So many bugs.

IAmNotTonyStark on March 2nd, 2019 at 13:22 UTC »

I think 300 cats is probably too many cats.

Rootkit9208 on March 2nd, 2019 at 10:47 UTC »

Animal hoarding is real, and can be extremely bad for the animals.