James Fridman is a dude who takes photoshop request but usually trolls and doesn't take them seriously

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by The-Wise-Old-Sage
image showing James Fridman is a dude who takes photoshop request but usually trolls and doesn't take them seriously

landohamlincoln on March 2nd, 2019 at 08:56 UTC »

Actually he does. He trolls cuz it’s funny and that’s what people ask for and that’s what people post online. He also does exactly what his customers ask for, but all you ever see is the so called “troll” photos. This is exactly what makes him famous.

AlexJokerDurden on March 2nd, 2019 at 08:57 UTC »

It certainly wouldn't bother me in the slightest. She is beautiful.

KM2KCA on March 2nd, 2019 at 13:15 UTC »

My mother has vitiligo and I have known about this condition for most of my life but...

Years ago, I walked into a drug store in an unfamiliar town. I walked up to a young black woman who was working there restocking the shelves. She had her back to me when I asked her where I could find some medicine. When she turned around to answer me, I was shocked to see she had vitiligo. Her face looked completely white. It was very startling because it almost looked as if she was wearing a mask. With a stunned look on my face, I awkwardly, yet politely thanked her. I then paid for my medicine and promptly left. To this day I still think of how she must have felt when she saw the look on my face. If you are reading this now, I meant no disrespect and I am truly sorry if I offended you.

My point is, even if it is “just skin color”, it can still be a very difficult thing for some people to live with. Even my mother has always been self conscious about it and uses makeup everyday to conceal it. We often like to believe that skin color shouldn’t matter, but it is still a very powerful thing thar can and does affect our society.