That time when Donald actually hired "the best people"

Image from and submitted by The-Autarkh
image showing That time when Donald actually hired "the best people"

nwskippy on December 26th, 2018 at 23:22 UTC »

Not trying to defend that loon or anything, but I think Mattis was pretty qualified.

AMA_About_Rampart on December 27th, 2018 at 02:19 UTC »

Mattis is pretty qualified. John Kelly is also one of the few adults in the room. Glad those two are a part of the administration. Sure would be a shit show if they left.

Anyways I've been away from the internet/news for about a month. What've I missed?

vader5000 on December 27th, 2018 at 08:30 UTC »

Depends on the job description. Fairly certain there was a slip of paper under cabinet job applications that said, screw the rules, ruin your organization, and make money for all the wrong people.