So, the government is facing a shutdown over funding for the border wall...

Image from and submitted by CrankyOptimist
image showing So, the government is facing a shutdown over funding for the border wall...

Mr_Italics_Man on December 17th, 2018 at 16:20 UTC »

The next person to spell border as boarder in this thread gets a pineapple in their anus.

nergoo on December 17th, 2018 at 16:29 UTC »

Every time the wall is brought up I always default to Bill Burrs thoughts, "It took us FIFTEEN years to build the Freedom Tower after 9/11, and we wanted that! By the time this wall gets built, we'll be the ones climbing over it."

Reverse911 on December 17th, 2018 at 18:26 UTC »

Whats funny is they threaten and actually shutdown the government, Then retroactively pay all the federal employees who were furloughed during the shutdown. So we essentially are paying federal employees to have a vacation, but just paying them at a later date with no work being done. Efficient!