It’s a good point

Image from and submitted by Mrdazjames
image showing It’s a good point

Mc6arnagl3 on December 18th, 2018 at 08:12 UTC »

From the book "Tarzan of the Apes"

He was worried because he had not clothing to indicate to all the jungle folks that he was a man and not an ape, and grave doubt often entered his mind as to whether he might not yet become an ape.

Was not hair commencing to grow upon his face? All the apes had hair upon theirs but the black men were entirely hairless, with very few exceptions.

True, he had seen pictures in his books of men with great masses of hair upon lip and cheek and chin, but, nevertheless, Tarzan was afraid. Almost daily he whetted his keen knife and scraped and whittled at his young beard to eradicate this degrading emblem of apehood.

And so he learned to shave--rudely and painfully, it is true--but, nevertheless, effectively.

He shaved with a knife (I believe the knife was his fathers that he got from his parents belongings).

Lithl on December 18th, 2018 at 08:13 UTC »

In the novels, Tarzan is literate and sophisticated, teaching himself to read English from books (including children's picture books) left behind by his dead parents. This teaching also gives him pictures of clean-shaven men, which he imitates. He obtains tools and metal weapons by stealing from Africans.

IVIalefactoR on December 18th, 2018 at 11:20 UTC »

I dunno, lots of things don't make sense.

Why are nickels bigger than dimes? Why does Hawaii have an interstate highway? Why did the Flintstones celebrate Christmas? Why don't they make B-sized batteries?