My co-worker/friend was made fun of for not drinking office party. She’s a newly recovering alcoholic and doesn’t want people to know. She left in tears.

Image from and submitted by equestrian123123
image showing My co-worker/friend was made fun of for not drinking office party. She’s a newly recovering alcoholic and doesn’t want people to know. She left in tears.

TurnNburn on December 13rd, 2018 at 05:23 UTC »

I'm curious. Why is this even worthy of teasing or insulting about?


As I reply to some of these comments, I literally just got called a "party pooper" by one of my friends because I didn't want to go drinking. I'm trying to be more health conscious because I have issues related to the military, so I can't workout like I used to. So fuck me for trying to be healthy, right?

any_name_left on December 13rd, 2018 at 05:31 UTC »

Jeeze! I'm not a big drinker by nature so I often turn down drinks. I get annoyed when people won't let it drop. I can't imagine how she felt.

A trick I've conjured over the years. I will order a sparkling water, with lime on the rocks. It will look like a cocktail so people will leave you alone. Tell your friend to do the same. Any thing that bubbles with a garnish and people will assume it is a cocktail.

sankittythegreat on December 13rd, 2018 at 06:29 UTC »

My go to response when people ask me why I'm not drinking is that I'm pregnant. I'm a 25 year old male.