wholesome stories

Image from external-preview.redd.it and submitted by notleonardodicaprio
image showing wholesome stories

SolidWX on November 30th, 2018 at 20:16 UTC »

Is there like a wholesome tumblr subredddit I can go to whenever I need it?

Rooncake on November 30th, 2018 at 21:51 UTC »

Awww these stories are so cute. I tend to make excited squealing noises when I see cute dogs on the street and one day I did it to these two adorable little French Bulldogs and their hella buff, hella big, gangster looking owner just gets this huge smile on his face and goes "do you wanna pet them??"

Yes. Yes I did. I spent maybe 10 minutes playing with the dogs while he told me all about them. I still smile when I think about this interaction.

Urbenmyth on December 1st, 2018 at 00:13 UTC »

I remember at one point I was going to a party, took a wrong turn and ended up in the bad part of town at night. I'm quite small and weak, and I walk with a cane, so I was pretty worried.

I heard someone yell "Oi! You lost or something?". I turn around and there are three figures in hoodies walking out of an alleyway towards me. There was no-one else around, so I was shitting myself. The guy at the front walked up to me and went "Because I've got a new directions app on my phone if you need any help?"

And that's the story of how a group of scary teens cornered a disabled man in an alley and helped him get to a cool party.