HyunA and E’Dawn To Attend First Official Event Together

Authored by soompi.com and submitted by DaBlackGandalf

HyunA and E’Dawn will be attending an event for the first time together.

On November 29, the couple will be attending a luxury brand’s event held in Gangnam. This will be their first official activity together since leaving Cube Entertainment.

Their dating rumors began in July during their Triple H promotions, and HyunA personally confirmed their relationship on her Instagram in August. After their relationship went public, they temporarily halted their respective promotions, with E’Dawn even being removed from PENTAGON activities. Cube Entertainment announced HyunA and E’Dawn’s departure in September. After further discussion, HyunA terminated her contract with the agency in October, and E’Dawn in November.

Following the confirmation of their relationship, HyunA and E’Dawn have continually expressed their affection for one another through various social media posts, live broadcasts, songs, and dance videos.

anoncello on November 27th, 2018 at 10:33 UTC »

I am really really wishing for the best for these two. I'm just afraid that because of all the publicity surrounding them/departure from Cube due to dating, that they feel more pressured to stay together. If they broke up then I feel like the media/entertainment companies, esp. Cube, would have a field day, for some reason. But I've been watching their IG videos and they're so freaking cute, so I don't think that's a problem, and I really hope it won't be in the future. Seeing their posts make my heart happy :)

CronoDroid on November 27th, 2018 at 05:28 UTC »

This is the most advanced concept I've ever seen in K-pop. When real life and art is blurred. Hyuna had Trouble Maker before, then went to Triple H which also had a rebellious concept. Then the dating rumors started, they went behind Cube's back to confirm it, their contracts were terminated and now they're releasing dance practices, songs and going to events together. If they ever release music together as a duo with a "us against the world" theme it will truly be authentic. '18 Bonnie and Clyde, YOUNG.

It's almost too perfect, the conspiracy theorist in me almost wants it to be the most next level K-pop marketing strategy ever devised. They'll release music under a new label that turns out to be a Cube shell company.

CanIRaveWithAOA on November 27th, 2018 at 05:24 UTC »

God I am rooting for these two so hard.