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LarryLavekio on October 10th, 2018 at 19:51 UTC »

Voting isn't enough. Bring friends and family members to the polls as well. We got too comfortable under Obama and now its time turn out. Our kids futures depend on it.

schro_cat on October 10th, 2018 at 20:52 UTC »

If confederates were really just about heritage and tradition, and really against racism, they'd be pissed every time the confederate and nazi flags were flown together. I've yet to hear any outcry from southerners about their frequent coupling.

THAT_ONE_GUY_JESUS on October 10th, 2018 at 21:21 UTC »

As a German, I’ve never understood the obsession with the swastika of extreme right wingers from other countries, especially America. Like, don’t they understand that this symbol stands for their own annihilation? Why would you walk around with a flag like that? I don’t get it.