Good ol’ Tolkien.

Image from and submitted by EviscerationNation
image showing Good ol’ Tolkien.

PeePaws_Lil_Angel on October 9th, 2018 at 21:58 UTC »

The thing about younger siblings is that there's a period of time where they absolutely trust you and are too young to question things. In this period you can sell them on the most wild shit and it's hilarious. As they get older they become more skeptical but especially more distrusting so it's way harder to fuck with them but before that its a real good time telling them outrageous things.

dump_inv on October 9th, 2018 at 22:20 UTC »

I’ve been using ‘Jowling Kowling Rowling’ for a week or so and it’s grown on me.

Jorgamoundr on October 10th, 2018 at 00:02 UTC »

When I was younger my sister asked me why there were so few rhinos left alive.

I told her they fought and died with us during World War 2 and that the film 'Saving Private Ryan' was based on a true story about a mission to save Private Rhino. She was devastated Hollywood wouldn't cast a real rhino.

Nowadays she won't believe a word I say for some reason