“Celebrities shouldn’t share their opinions unless they’re Kanye or Ted Nugent or anyone else who has the same opinion as me.”

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by dthains_art
image showing “Celebrities shouldn’t share their opinions unless they’re Kanye or Ted Nugent or anyone else who has the same opinion as me.”

One_pop_each on October 9th, 2018 at 21:46 UTC »

Celebrities have been sharing political views for decades. Sinatra openly claimed he was republican, and shared it when asked. But he was also friends with JFK. He’s a human being, with views and opinions, not some robot that just sings and dances when you throw a quarter at him.

How is that different today? I sure as shit don’t like Tom Cruise as a person and his “religious” stance, but I don’t mind watching a movie he’s in. I can separate the artist from the art.

-HolidayInnCambodia- on October 9th, 2018 at 22:24 UTC »

taylor swift tells people to register to vote


ted nugent farts all over a portrait of Hillary


billiam632 on October 10th, 2018 at 00:33 UTC »

How about: You have no right to be mad at celebrities for sharing their political opinions if you also share your political opinions.