Well when you put it that way

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image showing Well when you put it that way

save-my-bees on August 23rd, 2018 at 05:13 UTC »

I was shocked and didn’t know what to do when my professors treated me like an adult and didn’t threaten to call my parents

jeffica15 on August 23rd, 2018 at 05:14 UTC »

I teach high school and try to let my students have more independence. If you have to go to the bathroom, get up and go. If you need to sharpen your pencil, get up and do it. If you need to answer a phone call, step into the hall and answer it. I've had pretty good results with only a few kids abusing it over the years.

docnewfiedad on August 23rd, 2018 at 09:02 UTC »

When I was in kindergarten my teacher told us that we were old enough to decide when we needed to go to the restroom. She gave us permission from then on to dismiss ourselves quietly when we needed to. For the rest of my life, I never asked permission to go to the restroom. Unfortunately, most kids don’t have a similar experience. I’m a physician and just treated a patient who had recently started kindergarten for a urinary tract infection for holding it all day rather than ask permission. I told her from then on she could tell people that her doctor said she could go to the bathroom whenever she wanted but the look on her face was more fear of repercussions than liberation. Left me feeling sad and her feeling nervous.