Legal Tender Santa Dollar

Image from and submitted by KwichHiccups
image showing Legal Tender Santa Dollar

istolethisface on August 17th, 2018 at 01:51 UTC »

It's because Santa comes off.

Source: I had one as a kid, and peeled off the Santa to see what was underneath. Much disappoint.

Slendeaway on August 17th, 2018 at 04:29 UTC »

I thought it was Karl Marx for a second and was extremely confused.

zimboptoo on August 17th, 2018 at 05:59 UTC »

It's "Legal Tender" because it's a normal $1 bill that a private company stuck a sticker onto and then resold it with a fancy-looking certificate. It isn't created by, condoned by, or in any way related to the US Mint. The bit about "approved by the Department of the Treasury... under Statute 333 USCA" most likely refers to 18 U.S. Code 333, which is the law that makes it illegal to deface money. They basically went to the Treasury and said "Is it okay if we sell dollar bills with stickers on them, as long as we make the stickers REALLY easy to peel off?" and were given permission.

Make note of the bit at the very bottom: "Remove registered seal before use". Officially, before you spend it you're supposed to remove the sticker. At which point it's just a $1 bill and a cheap sticker of Santa's face that you spent an extra $2.50 on.