Conservatives hard at work protecting our kids...

Image from and submitted by CovenantGiven
image showing Conservatives hard at work protecting our kids...

LeFilthyHeretic on July 11st, 2018 at 00:26 UTC »

The real joke is that they believe that gun control wont stop murder but a fucking bathroom sign will stop a rapist.

MoistOwlettesX on July 11st, 2018 at 01:04 UTC »

Same with the “civil discourse” debate. Republicans are out in full force all over this website demanding a civil discourse and that people become more accepting of other people’s lives, life choices and world views. You point out that in their last 10 comments they called gay marriage an abomination, transgenderism a mental disorder, called for a Muslim ban because they are all terrorists and generally referred to liberals as libtards and the “civil discourse” miraculously turns into calling you a cuck because you looked up their post history.

rigamorol on July 11st, 2018 at 01:11 UTC »

In GOP Land, you're either born lucky or you're not. So.... Good luck playing the lottery, fetuses!!