In Ant-Man (2015), Luis mentions that he was the only one to knock out Peachy (the big inmate from San Quentin). His skill with single-punch knockouts is later demonstrated on the head of security at

Authored by and submitted by SneakyGreens
image for In Ant-Man (2015), Luis mentions that he was the only one to knock out Peachy (the big inmate from San Quentin). His skill with single-punch knockouts is later demonstrated on the head of security at

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BiggZ840 on July 10th, 2018 at 15:05 UTC »

I love Michael Pena. He's like that friend from freshman year in college who knows all the best parties and weed.

BobbitTheDog on July 10th, 2018 at 15:01 UTC »

Finally, a movie detail I actually noticed!!

I've been waiting for one of those "character who could take down thanos" memes about it, but no dice

maximusprimulus on July 10th, 2018 at 14:25 UTC »

The MCUs one punch man