Russian trolls on Twitter pose as ex-Democrats for #WalkAway movement

Authored by and submitted by MrTulip
image for Russian trolls on Twitter pose as ex-Democrats for #WalkAway movement

Kremlin-affiliated trolls have subversively co-opted #WalkAway as an influence campaign, data appears to show. The hashtag is boosting visibility for a right-wing-hyped non-movement of disenchanted liberals who are supposedly abandoning the Democratic Party in a bid to breed division.

Data available through Hamilton 68, an analysis project focused on monitoring agitprop and backed by the Alliance for Securing Democracy, shows that swarms of Russian troll accounts made #WalkAway one of the highest ranking hashtags on Twitter in the past 48 hours.

One writer for Arc Digital noticed similar trends and came to the same conclusion.

“The primary functional goal of an astroturfed campaign like this one is to manipulate public opinion by gaming online algorithms to amplify certain content and push it onto people’s social media feeds and to the top of search engine results,” wrote behavioral scientist Caroline Orr.

The #WalkAway hashtag itself can be sourced back to a YouTube video posted in May by New York-based hairdresser Brandon Straka. In the video, Straka explains how he had grown disillusioned by liberalism and the Democratic Party which, he argued, merely used people of color and LGBTQ people but did little to advance their agenda. He then calls on others who feel the same to #WalkAway from the Democratic Party—thus launching the campaign.

Little had come of it until last week, when right-wing media outlets and leading conservatives discovered the video and began circulating it online. Coverage by websites like the Gateway Pundit and Breitbart hailed the news as a watershed moment, claiming that liberals were abandoning their party “in droves.”

The Daily Dot reported on how, even at that early stage and among the dozens of real ex-Democrats telling their stories, bot Twitter accounts were already beginning to exploit the rising conversation. One collected 16,000 retweets before being banned.

This is a fake/bot account trying to make #WalkAway happen. 16k RTs for "Sofia Vargoros," a bot with a profile pic stolen from — I am not kidding — a book about getting rich from penny stocks. — Sarah Lertzman (@sllertzman) July 1, 2018

The U.S. intelligence community has, of course, made clear its assessment that Russia had sought to “undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process” during the 2016 presidential election. In February, special counsel Robert Mueller in a series of indictments laid out at least part of the framework by which the Kremlin had sought to do that.

Mueller brought charges against Russian nationals and troll farm the Internet Research Agency, which employed hundreds of individuals in a complex operation that involved the creation of thousands of fake personas to “conduct information warfare against the United States.”

These are the same kind of bot networks that Hamilton 68 has repeatedly found to be commandeering or simply amplifying highly partisan social media campaigns, like #ReleaseTheMemo or #WalkAway, in a bid to disrupt and suppress any Democratic momentum.

As the nation prepares for the 2018 midterms elections, and Democrats tout a surge of support coined the “blue wave,” these influence operations are likely to become more and more common.

MaztahbraiN on July 10th, 2018 at 03:00 UTC »

A more sophisticated approach from the russian bots happened when a player (Jimmy Durmaz) in the swedish team at the FIFA World Cup caused a stupid freekick in the last seconds of the game against Germany on which they scored.

His instagram account got flooded with hate (dirty immigrant, death threats and so on) which caused a sort of ”counter-attack” in social media #standupfordurmaz.

When journalists and professors started to investigate the hateful comments they didn’t find any bots as suspected just 4000 comments from regular people. When digging deeper into it they saw that the first hateful comments was written rapidly by bots but those comments were then deleted.

A pretty smart way to stir up the pot and take advantage of peoples dissapointment before deleting their own comments and let the angry mob to the rest.

cuuuuuu on July 9th, 2018 at 23:59 UTC »

Please don't call espionage and propaganda "trolls"

That's a completely different meaning, and a completely docile act in comparison to what Russians have done.

invalidcharactera12 on July 9th, 2018 at 23:36 UTC »

Some of these are more convincing than others but this one is pure gold.

"I hated guns and God and most of all - Republicans. I loved Europe and big government programs and Barack Obama. First I #walkedaway from identity politics...Jordan Peterson helped with that. Next I learned to love this amazing country and renewed my faith in God and my Jewish heritage. Dennis Prager helped with that. Next I learned about why free market Capitalism has been the greatest force for good in human history, and why Socialism is wrong not just economically, but also ends in totalitarianism and mass slaughter."