I'll make you my best friend

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by NonRock
image showing I'll make you my best friend

22ndCenturySquirrel on June 27th, 2018 at 12:37 UTC »

So the dog evolved but humans are still piles of goo?

AsYourDoctor on June 27th, 2018 at 13:23 UTC »

That's a great comic that shows that dedication is worth it. I would definetely spend 10k years so we all could have puppies.

rockerdrummer on June 27th, 2018 at 14:48 UTC »

Dogs and humans were meant to be companions. Wolves and early humans had very similar schedules of sleeping and hunting, and were both social creatures. Many experts think the bond started when wolves and humans slowly started using the same dens and caves for shelter. Humans would probably bring the wolves some food almost as an offering like “hey we’re gonna sleep here, here’s some food so you don’t eat us”. Wolves being social creatures took to humans and would go out with them in hunts and food would be shared. Then obviously breeding happened over time to create different kinds of dogs. But most breeding that led to current breeds actually only started in the 1700’s. Before that most dogs were wolf variants from natural breeding, not weird pug creatures.

I read a bunch of articles on this once because I was bored and curious.