
Image from and submitted by n00b491
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ZZ9pluZalpha on June 23rd, 2018 at 18:40 UTC »

I’ll give you excellent odds on that

fucks_in_forts on June 23rd, 2018 at 20:20 UTC »

I’ve always wondered why a seeker would catch the snitch if the other team would win anyways. Wouldn’t you want to keep the game going for your team to catch up. Unless the game had been going on for too long with no chance to catch up. I feel like I would try to keep the other seeker from getting it instead of catching it myself. I don’t know, maybe I’m missing something.

AvalancheMaster on June 23rd, 2018 at 21:40 UTC »

Oof. That hits hard.

Lemme tell you, every time there's a World Cup, we get stupid throwbacks back to that fateful tournament in 1994 (which inspired the Bulgarian Quidditch Team). This year is no exception.

We haven't played at world cup finals for 20 years, but we're still reliving that fateful 1993 Bulgaria—France qualifier through stupid commercials that reference it.

As a Bulgarian muggle, I hope that our Quidditch team is at the very least doing better than our football one.