Breaching in the middle of the night.

Image from and submitted by Hdalby33
image showing Breaching in the middle of the night.

Adela-Siobhan on June 20th, 2018 at 11:47 UTC »

How did you get this picture? Did you photograph a nightmare?

Michael-Fuble on June 20th, 2018 at 11:56 UTC »

"Breaching in the middle of the night"

Me: Oh cool I've never seen a whale breaching at night. Let's look.

Me afterwards: ...... Could you fucking not?

KP_PP on June 20th, 2018 at 13:44 UTC »

That’s a Ragged tooth shark / sand tiger shark, depending where you’re from.

They also have a neat little trick of turning really fast, creating a fing loud *crack noise when they feel threatened. One did it to me in South Africa a few years ago.

Incidentally, people when feeling threatened underwater, can produce a similar effect as a squid when inking. Or at least I did.

Edit: During the dives on Aliwal Shoal (South African submerged fossilised sand dune), we visited an area known as Cathedral, -a known Raggie hang out. Raggies are so chilled with divers, but in this instance, I completely fluffed up the approach and scared the poor bugger. If you listen at higher volume, you will hear the thud/crack just as it spins away. Unfortunately my footage from this dive has vanished, but I still have my buddies footage: