When puppies are faced with a scary object, they look to see how nearby humans are reacting. If the human is calm, the puppy is more likely to approach the object.

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by recentfish
image showing When puppies are faced with a scary object, they look to see how nearby humans are reacting. If the human is calm, the puppy is more likely to approach the object.

_Lucky_Devil on June 19th, 2018 at 16:22 UTC »

Pups showed a similar confidence boost when paired with a human who responded positively to the objects.

Not just calm, but responded positively.

Technosnake111 on June 19th, 2018 at 16:30 UTC »

This is how my grandma trained her Doberman pup to not chew things up; if the puppy would chew something, she would take the thing and put it in the middle of the floor and scold it, instead of the dog. It was an incredibly successful method, best behaved dog I ever met.

Complyorbesilenced on June 19th, 2018 at 17:14 UTC »

This does explain my previous dogs behavior towards watermelons. He'd see us stab it, carve it up, and eat it. He must have assumed it was an enemy, and he must bark at it.