My Netflix viewing statistics so far [OC]

Image from and submitted by c00liu5
image showing My Netflix viewing statistics so far [OC]

c00liu5 on June 19th, 2018 at 17:59 UTC »

Source Netflix viewing history at

Tool Java / Swift

I created this using an app I programmed, you can downloaded it here for android if you want. Even though I also made the complete app for iOS, I don't want to invest 100$ as I can definetely see Apple rejecting this app. However, if I make enough profits from the android app, I will use them to buy an apple developer license.

Edit: I have released an update addressing some crashes you had, it should be rolled out in a few hours. I'm still not sure about releasing to iOS because the app probably doesn't comply.

nuadusp on June 19th, 2018 at 18:21 UTC »

how does the signin for netflix work? I assume you don't get those details in the app?

and.. apparently 12 hours plus is my record for one day, ouch why did I think I should do this

edit: if i try to export data, app crashes on Samsung galaxy S8, also watched the whole ad for something and it crashed, really depressing info but great idea

magicshmop on June 19th, 2018 at 19:24 UTC »

I love subscription based streaming services. I wonder how much of that time spent would have been commercials if on a cable network.

A quick google says (dated info but still relevant.)

The growth has been even more significant on cable television. In 2009, cable networks averaged 14 minutes and 27 seconds per hour. Last year, the average was 15 minutes and 38 seconds. At the same time, the number of 30-second commercials has declined while 15-second spots have increased.May 12, 2014

So, roughly 25% of an hour is commercials. You would have had to sit through 250+ hours of commercials for things you prob were not going to buy anyway. Crazy.