Cats are evil

Image from and submitted by MaksK02
image showing Cats are evil

kush9090 on June 16th, 2018 at 19:14 UTC »

It’s true my cats communicate with each other non verbally. It’s just when they are mad at each other they start hissing and fighting each other. The only time I saw my cat meow around for its sister was that one day she was lost. He was going around and kept meowing loudly.

Edit: the kitty came back. She was out with her daddy. Apparently the parents like to check up on them at night.

sxvvy on June 16th, 2018 at 20:49 UTC »

They used to have the whole Egyptian population worshipping them at one point. Those felines are hiding something for sure

omni_wisdumb on June 16th, 2018 at 22:38 UTC »

So this is partially true. Kittens absolutely do communicate with meows. Adult cats do not. However since we humans think it's cute (or that they understand us) and keep meowing at them, they figure that it's a viable form of communication with us.

edit. comma