I won an award at school. I was told to dress up for a photo. I thought they meant like in a costume. Cowboy me made all the sense in the world at the time. One moment captured my entire life.

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by ItsNeverTwins
image showing I won an award at school. I was told to dress up for a photo. I thought they meant like in a costume. Cowboy me made all the sense in the world at the time. One moment captured my entire life.

eoswald on June 12nd, 2018 at 14:40 UTC »

Hey look - ranch dressing!

Supreme0verl0rd on June 12nd, 2018 at 14:44 UTC »

Shit if I had a cowboy costume that good I'd wear it for any excuse.

comix_corp on June 12nd, 2018 at 15:33 UTC »

This looks like an album cover by the Specials or a 60s psychedelic pop band